Computer Science

Level of education: first-cycle programme

Duration: 7 semesters

Form of study: full-time studies

Educational profile: practical

Professional title granted to graduates: inżynier (B.Eng)


Studies in the field of Computer Science last 7 semesters. They are full-time studies and the graduate obtains a professional title of B.Eng (Bachelor of Engineering). The first-cycle programme in Computer Science is fully compatible with the mission and development strategy of the University.

The education takes place at the level of the first-cycle programme, practical profile. Within the first-cycle programme it is possible to adjust one’s own educational profile by electing optional subjects. The students have a free choice of a major, which seems to be of the greatest practical value. The Department of Computer Science in a modern manner educates IT engineers in strategic majors, key for the development of the economy and the state. According to the report evaluating the research in the demand of the economy for higher education graduates of programmes in mathematical, natural and technical sciences, it is Computer Science that enjoys the greatest popularity in the job market.


  • SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES – the main fields of education within this major are: software designing, creating and testing, programming in graphic environments, creating applications for mobile devices, integration of mobile applications with IT systems, and microcontroller programming;
  • INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS – the major focuses on the Internet, web programming, multimedia technologies, computer graphics and image analysis and processing;
  • COMPUTER NETWORKS AND CYBERSECURITY – education within this major involves: computer network design, construction, configuration and management, operating system administration, and ensuring the safe functioning of IT systems through anticipating, preventing, and reacting to threats;
  • ROBOTICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – within this major, education is focused on: neural networks and artificial intelligence, robot programming, image processing and object recognition, robotic control systems – programmable microcontrollers.


The first-cycle programme in Computer Science gives students in-depth knowledge in modern technologies and the skills of creating and administering IT systems as well as social competences which facilitate operating in the IT market.

After finishing studies, the graduate will have:

knowledge, including the following:

  • the latest trends in the development of this discipline,
  • ways of obtaining information (from the literature, databases and other sources available in English or any other language), of analysing the data obtained, drawing conclusions and forming opinions,
  • issues in mathematics, physics, automatics, electronics, electrotechnics, signal analysis and processing etc., required to formulate and solve engineering tasks,
  • applying the latest IT technologies,
  • basics of programming and programming methodology, algorithmic techniques and efficient data structures required to write computer applications,
  • databases, computer networks and computer architecture and organisation, network technologies, including computer network architecture, security and construction of network applications,
  • multimedia techniques, computer graphics techniques,
  • determinants of engineering activities and basic rules of occupational health and safety in the field of Computer Science, intellectual property protection and patent law, principles of the creation and development of forms of individual entrepreneurship;

skills, including the following:

  • administering computer systems and networks; designing computer networks, using Windows, Linux and Unix system platforms,
  • C and C++, C#, Java, PHP, HTML programming, using algorithms and data structures to design programs,
  • using the programming environment, including Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio, Android Studio,
  • applying modern technologies to design Internet services and applications, i.e. PHP, JavaScript, ASP.NET,
  • administering and managing database systems, i.e. Oracle, MySQL, designing databases,
  • designing and constructing IT systems, networks, applications in graphic and database environments, applying appropriate techniques, methods and tools in accordance with the specification,
  • recognising, while developing engineering projects, their non-technical aspects, including environmental, economic and legal ones,
  • communicating IT issues in plain language,
  • communicating in English at B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages by the Council of Europe;

social competence including the following:

  • understanding the need to develop their knowledge and practical skills related to the changes in IT, the graduate is aware of the possibilities of continuous training and raising professional, personal and social competences,
  • readiness to responsible teamwork, including the ability to comply with the principles of teamwork, taking responsibility for jointly performed tasks,
  • readiness to the responsible performance of a professional role – as a representative of the IT profession – including the compliance with the rules of professional ethics, reliability, impartiality, professionalism and an ethical approach,
  • being aware of the significance of and understanding non-technical aspects and effects of the activities of an IT engineer,
  • ability to act in an entrepreneurial way.


Students who graduate receive a degree in computer science (BE) and can be employed in companies and institutions that use information technology. In particular, graduates can work as computer software developers, graphic and web application developers, as well as designers and developers of applications for mobile computer systems.  IT engineers can also work as developers or administrators of medium database systems, or computer networks. They can also gain employment in business entities that deal with the construction of information systems, where knowledge of digital electronics, embedded systems and computer control is required.